Publication Director: Franck Waechter

Association Loi du 1er juillet 1901
SIREN: 347 698 078, RNA: W751083898, VAT: FR90347698078
Siège social: 23-25 rue de Berri - 75008 PARIS
Tel. : +(33)
F: +33 (0)1 40 74 09 85 

For all questions concerning the site, please contact our webmaster here

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This website respects Authors' Rights. All rights of authors of protected works reproduced and conveyed on this website are reserved. Any unauthorized use of the works other than individual, private consultation and reproduction is prohibited.

The information published by TFWA on this site is made available without warranty of any kind; TFWA accepts no responsibility or liability wether direct or indirect, as to the accuracy of the information, nor for any consequences of its use.

Privacy statement

Your privacy is important to TFWA.TFWA has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website:

Registration forms on the website require personal information from you. We will not release personal information about our members or visitors without their permission.

We will not disseminate, sell, or trade your email address, location, or any personal information with any persons or companies.

If you contact us your information will only be used to satisfy your request and will not be given to anyone without your explicate instructions to do so.

This site contains links to other sites.TFWA is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other Web sites.

CNIL website:

Information Commissioner's Office website:

TFWA Data Privacy Policy

TFWA respects your privacy when collecting and processing your personal data. This Privacy Policy describes the principles applied by TFWA when collecting your personal data in connection with the use of its services ("Services"), the way they are processed, and your rights concerning the processing of your personal data.

The processing of your personal data is conducted by TAX FREE WORLD ASSOCIATION, Association located at 23 Rue De Berri, 75008 PARIS.

How do I ask TFWA to remove a photograph published on in which I appear?

Contact TFWA by post at 23-25 rue de Berri, 75008 Paris, France, quoting the following text: “As indicated in article 38 of the French law on online privacy, I wish to object to the online publication of the image in the (insert name here) section of for the following reason(s)…”

Your letter should be signed and include the postal address to which TFWA should respond.

Please also enclose a copy of photographic identification (passport, driving licence etc.) bearing your signature. Note:

The right of objection (cf is personal in nature and cannot be exercised on behalf of others apart from minors or protected adults.