TFWA Asia Pacific Exhibition & Conference

With a new TFWA President in place and a fast-changing DF&TR landscape to navigate, TFWA Asia Pacific Conference 2025 (12 May in Singapore) explores fresh ways to approach the business in its largest region.

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Asia Pacific 2025

Beating a path

Diverging indicators in Asia Pacific point to a region experiencing rapid change. Softer Chinese passenger spend has affected travel retailers like China Duty Free Group, which saw double-digit declines in 2024 sales and profit. Yet outbound Chinese flights to the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa are above 2019 levels, and two-thirds of the country’s travel agents expect a full recovery by the end of this year. The Korean duty free market is undergoing a painful contraction, moving away from bulk sales via foreign resellers. In India however, sales to travellers are expanding as passenger traffic soars. Beating a path through such uneven commercial terrain requires skilful leadership.

Guidance and harmony

The programme for TFWA Asia Pacific Conference 2025 offers much to those seeking guidance in this vital region. After the opening address by new TFWA President Philippe Margueritte, some words of welcome from Mr Alvin Tan, Singaporean Minister of State for Trade and Industry, and an update on APTRA’s activities by President Sunil Tuli, delegates will hear from Charles Reed Anderson, a tech-industry innovator and host of the Techburst Talks podcast, on using technology to meet travellers’ desire for personalised, immersive experiences. And with the retail environment central to shopper perceptions, Ibrahim Ibrahim’s perspective as Managing Director of Portland Design and author of ‘Future-Ready Retail’ will have particular resonance. The final guest speaker, conductor Jason Lai, will share some fascinating insights on achieving harmony through collaboration, whether leading an orchestra or a business. Expect a practical demonstration of his theories.

Lead markets

In addition to the Conference’s plenary session, two workshops will analyse a pair of Asia Pacific’s lead markets whose influence extends well beyond the region. China and its travelling consumers form the focus of the first with Hannah Gao, TFWA’s Chief China Representative, leading the conversation. Profiling the different generations now venturing abroad as outbound travel approaches pre-Covid levels, the workshop will provide a valuable update for industry professionals marketing to this key nationality. The other workshop will examine India, home to major airport expansion and surging passenger numbers. Case studies and data-based insights will punctuate a richly informative session moderated by TFWA Conference Director Michele Miranda.

Event information

See the full event programme
Catch last year’s highlights with the Review 
Ask about sponsorship opportunities at this year’s summit 
Learn more about visiting Singapore from our event sponsor, the Singapore Tourism Board