In today’s fast paced and hyper- connected world, the number of different players competing for the traveling consumer’s dwell time is increasing. In response to the world around them, consumers have shifted their behaviours and are constantly making decisions based on what makes the most sense for their lifestyle.
Through a combination of research and expert insights, the workshop aims to connect the dots and explore internal and external factors influencing customer in-store time as well as provide actionable insights to all duty free and travel retail stakeholders. What factors influence the length of time consumers spend in airport shops? How should brands and retailers tailor their offerings and make their stores magnets for the travelling consumer?
The audience will hear from Pi-Insight Managing Director Stephen Hillam on the latest data of Asian shoppers from their Global Shopper Series; and global consulting firm Kearney Senior Partner Siddharth Pathak will present their latest finding on the critical factors that keep customers engaged. From the airport's perspective, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad Senior General Manager of Commercial Services Puan Hani Ezra Hussin will give us an update on how concessionaires are elevating their game for a more memorable and fulfilling customer experience.
The workshop will be moderated by TFWA Conference Director Michele Miranda.